Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people - Discover what this means

From Red to Green

Where we are and where we're going

The areas we are working on as part of our Development Plan were the ones assessed as Red in our consultations. This page shows why they were Red, and what Green looks like.

Adult Growth

Against the last census data, a growth of 3% or less in adult volunteers in groups.

Against the last census data, a growth of 5% or more in adult volunteers in groups.

Flexible volunteering

No groups use flexible volunteering despite having limited adult numbers. No advice has been sought on implementation.

Flexible volunteering is actively encouraged. Best practice is shared to enable groups to implement parent/ helper rotas, volunteer pools and flexible or shared leadership teams and shared executive committees.

Nights Away

One or more groups with no permits.

One permit per section, per group.

Adult Training

No training advisers appointed, and less than 60% of adult appointments hold the correct wood badge or are working towards the appropriate training for their role within stated timeframe.

Sufficient training advisers appointed and active. 90% of adult appointments hold the correct wood badge or are working towards the appropriate training for their role within stated timeframe.


Not all groups in the district have equal numbers of male and female members.

All groups in the district have equal numbers of male and female members.

Female membership

A growth against last year’s census of less than 3%

A growth against last year’s census of over 5%


The district is not, and is not working towards being, representative of the diversity of the local community.

The district is fully representative of the diversity of the local community.

Scout Network

No local network, or if area based, no links with area network team/members. 

Local network exists, good links with county and explorer units. Active programme, which links with other networks. Good representation of eligible local members.

Youth Representation

No District Youth Commissioner in place. No youth forums operating across the district.

District Youth Commissioner in place, Planned and well attended youth forums across the district.

Moving on – District

There are no lines of communication between Groups and District. Scouts don’t know what their options are when they get to 14, or how to be a Young Leader. Where sections have young leaders, there is no encouragement to become adult leaders post 18. Explorers don’t know about Network.

Good communication links exists between relevant sections. Moving on is planned in advance. Young people fully aware of what comes next. Taster sessions with Units so all young people know all the Explorer leaders. Network and leadership options fully explained. District aware of Scouts approaching 14 and Explorers approaching 18.

Executive Committees

No executive committee. Functions accomplished by ex-officio members. Young people available but not used. No governance support is cascaded down to groups. Executive committee unaware of its role and responsibilities.

Executive committee working as per POR and district constitution. Meeting regularly and fully attended. Contains young person representation. Governance support is fully cascaded down to groups. The executive committee is aware of its role and responsibilities within the district/group, which it carries out effectively.

Safety & Assets

Equipment/property is not adequately maintained. Resources are not in place. Risk assessments are non- existent.

Equipment and property in place to support the operations of the district. Appropriate risk assessments conducted. No outstanding health and safety or security issues. Appointed and active safety co-ordinator.