Adventurous Activities

This page is no longer current but left here for reference – for information on adventurous activities go to

Activities are an integral part of Scouting, and what makes it so exciting for the young people involved. From here you should be able to find all the information you need to provide all the activities your young people can manage.

Find an activity

As a starting point we would suggest you look at the A-Z of Activities. This is designed to link you to all the information you need to run any particular activity, and to give you new ideas of activities you could run.

Need a permit?

If you need advice on getting a permit, please contact our Deputy District Commissioner, Sue Lister. The starting point to getting most permits involves filling in this form.

Find someone with a Permit

If you don’t have a permit yourself but would like your Section to have a go at an adventurous activity, please ask on the #activities channel of our Slack workspace.

Need help with funding?

Wrexham District does offer grants for activity training and would almost certainly cover the cost of the training on the basis that you would be prepared to share your new skills across the District.

Please complete the application form below, sign and return to our Deputy District Commissioner, Sue Lister. You also need to work on your walking logs as they will be needed for evidence.

District kayaks and climbing wall

We have kayaks and all the accompanying kit, plus a fully equipped climbing wall which groups can use!