Can you help us out?

As a parent or carer, you may be willing to help us out, but not sure how. There are so many ways you can join in the fun, some taking very little time only now and again, some with more commitment.

Have a look at the options below and let us know if you can help at all, then we’ll contact you to explain more.

Don’t worry, if you pick something and change your mind after we won’t mind! Just give it a go!

Please still fill in the form even if you can’t help – there’s a box down the bottom for that. It’ll let us know where we stand rather than not knowing.

Download a printable version of this form

Activity Runner

Helps by taking charge of an activity with help from others and following training

Activity Helper

Help with an activity which has been planned by others

Programme Planner

Help out behind the scenes by helping to plan the programme, book venues, arrange guest speakers – all without having to attend the actual meetings

Stuff Getter

Help out by picking up one or two things from the shops and bring them when you drop your child off

Badge Recorder

Help out by keeping track of badge records online


Help out by posting on Facebook, taking occasional photos and generally sharing what’s going on


Help out by join the Group Committee which oversees things like finance, looking after the property etc