Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people - Discover what this means

Development Plan 2021-24

Our priorities for the next three years


We want to achieve a District where we have enough adult volunteers to support the District and Groups. Adults who volunteer flexibly on their own terms, and who are well supported with the knowledge & experience to fulfil their role.


We want to achieve a District where not only is everyone welcome, but they know they are welcome and we pro-actively go out to make our Membership representative of the communities where they exist.

Young Adults

We want to achieve a District which supports and empowers young adults so that they not only can’t wait to continue in Scouting, but are also keen to lead Scouting, today and in the future.


We want to achieve a District which is accountable to the communities where it exists, with well supported trustees of a well governed District and well governed Groups.