The District Annual General Meeting is fast approaching (date to be advised) at which we appoint our District Trustee Board.

The Trustee Board is a team of volunteers who work together, as charity Trustees, to make sure Scouts is run safely and legally.

They don’t need to be currently involved in Scouts, so long as they can objectively look at what we do and make sure that we’re following our own rules, the law of the land, and are upholding the best interests of Scouting.

If you know someone who’d be a great Trustee, please nominate them via this link:

If you’d like to be considered to be a Trustee yourself, please apply via this link:

We are also sad to announce that Karen Cheesbrough is standing down as District Treasurer after almost 10 years in the role. Her husband Dave, also a Trustee, is also standing down. I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to Karen and Dave for the fantastic hard work they’ve put in to Wrexham Scouts over the years. They’ll be very much missed.

Again, if you know someone who’d make a great Treasurer, or want to volunteer for the role yourself, please use the links above.

Closing date for nominations is the 30th September, and for applications the 6th October.