Payments for District events. Can all those who post payments for their Sections for District events, rather than drop off in the box at HQ, send them to Sandra instead of Karen from now on. Her address is Sandra Jones, 19 Prices Lane, Rhosddu, Wrexham, LL11 2NB. We soon hope to have online payments available too – watch this space!

Annual Review & AGM. Thanks to all those who attended and supported this event last month. It was a fantastic turn-out and great to see so many young people and adults recognised for their amazing achievements. If you thought the event could be made better, please let me know how. I’d also like to say a big welcome and thank you to Steve Brown, Nicky Morris, Karina Pittoors and Lisa Jones who have joined the District Exec.

New District Explorer Scout Commissioner. I’m delighted to announce that Aaron Wright has agreed to be our new DESC, supporting Explorer Scouting across Wrexham. Aaron will be in touch with all those in the Section shortly and will be able to contact at This does mean we now have a vacancy for Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) – if anyone is interested in this role, please let me know. Thanks to Aaron for agreeing to be DESC, and for all his hard work as ADC (Scouts).

Perfect Programmes. My challenge to all Sections for the year ahead is to make their programmes better in 2020 than they were in 2019. A good programme means more young people want to join us and stay with us, make Leaders feel more fulfilled and makes parents much more supportive. To help we’re putting on two sessions where we’ll cover how to put on the perfect programme, point out things that often go wrong, and pass on some essential Scout skills. Please book onto whichever night you can make…

Tuesday 10th September 7pm Cox Wood

Wednesday 11th September 7pm Cox Wood

Dementia Awareness. The Wrexham Dementia Friendly Steering Group have been in touch and are offering dementia awareness training as they feel it is important that everybody is made aware of this awful disease, the spread of which is obviously increasing with an ever ageing population. Sessions take about 45 minutes and are tailored for both younger children and young people accordingly and could be included during normal meetings. If any Groups or Units are interested, please contact David Mainwaring via email – – or on on 01244570067 or 07976518625.