Free Burgers! Yes, it’s that time again when we ask you to come down to Cox Wood, feed you a burger, make you miss the England match, and ask you what you think we should do as a District in 2020! Even better this year as you won’t miss the football! You can either come down on the Tuesday night, or the Wednesday, whichever is best for you. Please book you place so we know how many burgers to get…
Tuesday 9th July 6.30-8.00 at Cox Wood
Wednesday 10th July 6.30-8.00 at Cox Wood
Exec places. We’re looking for adults to be part of the District Executive Committee. They meet around 4 times a year and ensure that our finances are in order, we comply with charity law, that everything we’re doing is safe, and support the function of the District generally – including overseeing District HQ, Cox Wood and the Explorer Scout Section. If you’re interested, please let me know. If you know of any people in your community who aren’t currently members of The Scouts but who support our work, they’d also be great – please ask them to email me at dc@wrexhamscouts.org.uk