BBC Terrific Scientific are hosting a series of Terrific Science Share around the country and we’re inviting you to take part!

At the Terrific Science Share events small groups of children are given a one hour time-slot in the Terrific Scientific area when they can share what they have been discovering in their science investigations with all the visitors to their table.

We like them to make a poster of what they’ve done but they can also do a demonstration or presentation – or simply chat about what they have been finding out.  It’s a relaxed atmosphere, with no judging, we simply want children to have fun and share their science with everyone.

These events are designed for children ages between 9-11 they would best suit Cub groups or younger Scout members. We think these events would be great for members who are working towards their badges, especially the Scientist Activity badge!

The nearest event to you is part of the pop up science fair happening in Wrexham on the 30th of June.

Attending the event to share science is free – all the information you’ll need, from what to expect to how to book your slot can be found on or website at

If group leaders would like more information then they can contact us at