Volunteer – Group based

Most of our volunteers work directly with young people aged 6-18 through our Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer groups, known as sections – helping young people gain skills for life through activities and adventures.

Working in teams, they might:

  • Welcome young people and families to sessions and events
  • Make sure everyone’s safe, supported, included and having fun
  • Help to plan and lead activities
  • Get involved with days out, camps and expeditions
  • Share and learn skills – from coding to cake decorating to canoeing
  • Celebrate young people’s achievements big and small

No previous experience with young people? No problem. Whether you’d like to help out week-after-week or whenever-you-can, we provide training, learning opportunities and cups of tea – every step of the way.

On this page you’ll find our current vacancies – the names we’ve used aren’t the official Scouts ones, instead we’ve tried to use terms which actually say what the role does. Assistant District Commissioner won’t mean much to most people!

We’ve also split some roles up a bit to make things more flexible. Some people might prefer just to be an Activity Runner for example without having to do the planning as well, while others may be interested in being a Programme Planner without actually having to turn up each week and run things. Some people might like to combine the two, and that’s fine too!

Click on an opportunity for more info…

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Programme Planner

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Plans a balanced programme for the Section in consultation with the Activity Runner, and books venues and guests. In Scout Lingo: Section Assistant. What we need from you: We’d need…Find Out More

Stuff Getter

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Pops to the shops to pick up a few bits that are needed for the programme. In Scout Lingo: (no official role – but still special to us) What we…Find Out More

Badge Recorder

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Keeps badge records up to date by finding out from the Programme Planner what the programme covers and from the Activity Runner who was there and took part. Could even…Find Out More

Checker upper

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Helps by keeping us safe, on track, and in the black. In Scout Lingo: Group Trustee What we need from you: What you’ll get from us: How we’ll work together:…Find Out More


Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Ensures parents/carers know what’s going on, promotes the Section online and deals with enquiries from those who want to join. In Scout Lingo: Occasional Helper. What we need from you:…Find Out More

Group leadership team member

Open Volunteer Spots: 4

If you’ve ever led a small team in work, or organised a community event, or even planned a family holiday, you’ll have the skills to help support the leaders who…Find Out More

Now and Againer

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

If you want to help out but can’t make every week, that’s fine by us. We often need more help on occasional events or with short-term projects. If this suits…Find Out More

Squirrels volunteer

Open Volunteer Spots: 43

Runs or helps run the session for 4-6 year olds using the programme planned by the Programme Planner, and ensures the safety and well-being of the young people. In Scout…Find Out More

Activity Runner

Open Volunteer Spots: 44

Runs the session using the programme planned by the Programme Planner, and ensures the safety and well-being of the young people. In Scout Lingo: Beaver Scout Leader/Assistant Beaver Scout Leader…Find Out More