Resource Centre

Wondering what to do or short of equipment? We might have some ideas or the resources for a new activity!

Please contact Anne-Marie to arrange an appointment to visit us in District HQ to see what’s there or to book and pick up or return an item.

Here’s some of what we have on offer…

Please note Wrexham Scouts Resource Centre is funded by Wrexham District and while we are happy to loan items to those outside Wrexham we will have to charge a small fee to cover our costs

Programme Boxes

We have a range of boxes with all you need to run a night’s programme.

Click here to see what boxes we have

Display Boards

The district has a set of quality display boards for use at District or Group events – useful for AGMs. They can only be used inside and whoever takes them must undertake full responsibility for them – in other words if they get damaged then your Group will have to stand the cost when we have them repaired [or worse still replaced!!!!] You will need to book them in advance.

Badge/Award Information

There are boxes containing books, leaflets, illustrations and work sheets etc.


A range of charts on things like Safety at Camp to Astronomy.

Art and Craft

There is a variety of card and paper, powder paints, plaster craft moulds etc. The expendables are for sale and things such as moulds you can borrow. We do have some card in various shapes and sizes which was donated to us and this is free so just ask.

Sports Equipment

Groups normally have their own for general use in games etc but for a special event ours is available – hoops, balls, skipping ropes, bean bags, sacks etc.

Circus Skills

There is a complete “Circus Kit” including 2 mono cycles – Excellent for sports/ keep fit night.


There are 2 which Groups can borrow free of charge. [For use with 16 children each]

Resusci Annes

There are 2 available for Group use under the supervision of a qualified First Aider together with charts and a DVD BUT you will need to book these in advance.

Assorted Resources

  • 2 Feelie Boxes
  • 2 Mirror writing Boxes
  • Assorted balls
  • Paddling Pools – assorted sizes and useful for activities other than water!!
  • Hobby Horses
  • Hockey Sticks
  • Candle Making Kit
  • Inflatable balls and rounders sticks – excellent for an indoor games night

If there is anything you could use and your group does not want to purchase it have a word with us and we can perhaps buy it for the District.

Alternatively if there is resources you have used in your groups and you would like to share come and talk to us. We are always looking for new ideas

We generally do not charge for items borrowed but we might sometimes require a returnable deposit.