Skills for life
Our plan to deliver better futures
In 2018 The Scouts released their plan for the next 5 years – you can read all about it here.
In Wrexham, we have some District Actions based on the 4 goals. We’d encourage Groups & Units to come up with their own plans of how to deliver the strategy too.
District actions…
…to support Growth
To support Growth, as a District we plan to…
Ensure all Groups are complete (no missing Sections)
In Wrexham, most Groups have their full compliment of Sections, so we don’t see this as an issue (there are some missing and we will look at these).
Instead we feel there are opportunities for growth in ensuring all Sections are full – we have quite a few with room for more young people. This may be down to lack of Leaders leading to temporary cover which makes the programme suffer.
We will work with Groups to ensure all Sections are full.
Appoint a District growth & development lead and develop a growth strategy
We already have an existing growth plan aimed at helping Groups & Units to both recruit and retain more adults and young people, but we aim to appoint someone to look at this further, using the data from census to better target potential opportunities.
Ensure that a quality programme and practical skills event is put on for Section Leaders each year
We will change one of our Section Leaders’ meetings each year into a skills & programme workshop.
…to support Inclusivity
To support Inclusivity, as a District we plan to…
Use the Inclusivity RAG Assessment for our District
We will firstly assess the inclusivity of our District using the Inclusivity RAG assessment and then make a plan of what we can do next. The Welsh language is of particular importance in Wales.
Encourage all Groups to use the Inclusivity RAG Assessment
We will speak to Group Scout Leaders and the District Explorer Scout Commissioner about using the Inclusivity RAG assessment
…to support Youth Shaped
To support Youth Shaped, as a District we plan to…
Appoint a District Youth Commissioner
We used to have a fantastic DYC who did some great work, but he has left us so we need to fill this role. We do have a District Youth Team who do great work, but we need to continue to support them.
Support our District Youth Team to develop a Youth Shaped Scouting action plan
We will use the new resource, A Guide to Youth Commissioners, to help support Youth Commissioners and develop a Youth Shaped Scouting action plan.
Support two 18-24 year olds as members of the District Executive Committee
We currently have one 18-24 year old on our Exec. We will aim to recruit another one, and give support for them using the Young People on Committees resource to understand how best to support 18-24 year olds on executive committees and use the Executive Committees for Young People resource for 18-24 year olds who have just been appointed or are interested in an executive committee position.
…to support Community Impact
To support Community Impact, as a District we plan to…
Organise an A Million Hands project as a District
Running quality community impact projects is an essential part of a great Scouting programme and we’re aware that these projects take planning and time. A Million Hands provides ‘off the shelf’ resources for leaders making it easier to deliver the Community Impact Staged Activity Badge.
Announcing our strategy, Skills for Life