Apologies for the delay getting this online…
Feedback from All Leaders’ Meeting. In January we invited everyone to attend one of two meetings to consult with you on a few things. We asked what would make your lives as Leaders easier, how you wanted us to communicate with you, and whether leaders should pay for events. We’ve taken this feedback to the Group Scout Leaders and District Team and taken on board what you’ve told us.
Click here to read what we’ve come back with and how it’s effected our planning
Training. We’re starting to act on certain rules regarding training, such as Leaders must complete Modules 1 and 3 within 5 months of starting their role, and Section Leaders/Assistant Section Leaders must complete their Wood Badge within 3 years. Unfortunately there are no exceptions to these rules – if Leaders can’t complete training due to being too busy with work etc, we can’t just say that’s fine, we need to close their role when the deadline passes.
However, please can I underline once more that lots of the necessary training can be done online, and you don’t have to do training at all if you can demonstrate you have prior knowledge. There are ways round doing the training, but it MUST still be validated. This is to ensure we can prove that those adults who look after the young people in our care have the skills and knowledge required.
If you have a concern about training – please talk to us. Don’t just ignore it!
Promise Day. I think we can safely say our inaugural Promise Day on Sunday was a success. Thanks so much to everyone who made it possible. It was great to see so many Groups putting on excellent bases and so many kids turning up. We’d be interested to hear what you thought of the event, and what you’d like to do next year! Let us know in the #events_all channel on Slack.