Young Leaders

Young Leaders are volunteers aged between 14 and 18 who help with Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.

They are key members of the leadership teams, involved in planning programmes, running activities and making sure the kids have a great time.

Time and again young people tell us that they think volunteering empowers them to make a difference to the world around them. They see a world in turmoil that they feel they can’t change, but through volunteering with organisations such as they Scouts, they have the opportunity to do something positive. They also gain essential skills for life by getting chance to plan, organise and run activities, including time management, teamwork and budgeting skills. It’s a win win situation!

Moz Morris, District Commissioner

A full series of training modules are available to support the Young Leaders, totally optional apart from the important Module A which needs to be completed within 3 months of their start date.

As part of the Young Leaders’ Scheme there are also four missions to be completed alongside the 11 modules.

Young Leaders are automatically part of the Explorer Scout section, and can get involved with other Explorer Scout Units which put on activities just for their age group. The time volunteered as a Young Leader counts towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

Next Young Leader training modules

Volunteer to help this Unit as an adult

We need adult volunteers to help with training courses for our Young Leaders.

If you’re interested, click the button below and search for Wrexham Young Leaders Unit.


Interested in being a Young Leader?

If you’re already a Scout or an Explorer Scout

If you’re a Scout, are turning 14 and want to become a Young Leader, ask your Leader to transfer your Online Scout Manager record to ‘Wrexham Young Leaders’ which can be found in the Explorer age range.

If you’re an Explorer Scout who’s already a member of a Unit in Wrexham, but want to become a Young Leader too, ask your Leader to share your Online Scout Manager record with ‘Wrexham Young Leaders’ which can be found in the Explorer age range.

Once your record has been transferred, someone from the Young Leaders’ Team will be in touch about the next steps.

If you’re not a member of Scouts

Fill in the form below. Where it asks for 1st choice Group or Unit, select Young Leader.

[OSM_WaitingList_Register sectionid=’60180′ sectionname=’Waiting List’]