Checker upper

Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Helps by keeping us safe, on track, and in the black.

In Scout Lingo:

Group Trustee

What we need from you:

  • Work together with other Trustees to:
    • Check that all that’s being done in the Group is as it should be
    • Make records what you’ve checked and when
    • Be open and honest but friendly
    • Agree a budget and make sure the Group sticks to it
  • We’d need you to complete a DBS check

What you’ll get from us:

  • Online learning so you’ll have the knowledge you need to help with Scouts
  • A list of things to check
  • Help knowing what to look our for
  • Answers to your questions – you won’t need to be an expert in Scouts to do this role

How we’ll work together:

  • We’ll provide resources so that Trustees across Wrexham can communicate, share best practice and support each other


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