You may have seen coverage on the media about the growth in numbers of young people joining Scouts.
Here in Wrexham it’s the same picture: We’ve had an almost 20% rise in numbers over the last year, making up a lot of the drop we had due to the pandemic.
But while our adult volunteers number dropped by well over a quarter over lockdown, nowhere near enough have joined to replace them.
At least four groups have had to close their doors because we can’t find volunteers to run simple activities. That’s roughly 60 young people who don’t have access to our amazing programme who did before.
If you’d like to give volunteering with Scouts a go – and we mean that, just try us out, no commitments – then get in touch.
We have roles helping directly with activities and, just as importantly, helping behind the scenes with admin.
Help us to prepare more young people in Wrexham with skills for life.