Welcome to your round-up of news from Wrexham Scouts
Last night we held our first face-to-face District Team meeting for ages and we covered off quite a few things which will be of interest to everyone…
New Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts). First off I’m incredibly pleased to announce that we have a new Assistant District Commissioner supporting the Scouts Section. Andrew McGregor-Andrew is currently Group Chair of 6th Wrexham, and will be getting stuck into his new role straight away. We’re really pleased to welcome Andrew to the team! You can see a photo of him so you can recognise him if he pops in, and the rest of the District Team, by clicking here.
Delivering Amazing Programmes. One of our most important jobs as your District Team is to support Sections to put on fantastic activities each week. It’s clear that many of you haven’t had much contact from us for a very long time now – so we are going to try our best to change this. It won’t just be via visits to your meetings, we hope to pick up the phone or drop you a message too, just to check if you’re OK and if there’s anything we can do to support you more. If you want to invite us along to your meetings, or have a chat about anything outside your meetings, then please get in touch.
District Events. Another way we can support great activities is by putting on events where all Groups and Units can come together. While this hasn’t been possible for a while now, last night we agreed that a great event to reboot our District Programme would be Promise Day 2022 – this will take place on Sunday 24th April. Before this we will be inviting Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders to the next Young Leaders’ meeting on Tuesday 9th November at Cox Wood to involve them in planning Promise Day and a few more District events.
Please encourage your Young Leaders and Patrol Leaders/APLs to attend the forum, and put Promise Day in your diaries now – more details to come on that later in the year.
Scouting Safely. Finally, we discussed the rule changes which now require all roles – with the exception of Occasional Helpers, Presidents and Vice Presidents – to complete Essential Information and GDPR training, and to complete Safety and Safeguarding training every 3 years. We were also reminded that all activities and events must have been risk assessed and that assessment recorded and shared with the team running the activity. The District Team may ask you to see your risk assessment at any time, so please ensure one has been done if you are the leader in charge of an activity. For more information – and for Risk Assessment examples for many activities – click here.
Thanks everyone for all that you do.
District Commissioner
Scouts Wrexham