When Cubs move up to you in Scouts, it’s quite a simple process. Generally Cubs from 1st Anytown will move up to Scouts in 1st Anytown.
When Scouts move up to Explorers however, it’s a slightly more complicated picture. Explorer Scout Units aren’t linked to Groups, so the 14 year old Scout can choose to join whichever Explorer Scout Unit they wish. They can also choose to become a Young Leader, which means volunteering with a Beaver Scout Colony, Cub Scout Pack or Scout Troop, and also becoming a member of the Young Leader Explorer Scout Unit.
In order for us to properly support this process so that every Scout knows the options open to them as they approach 14, we need your help.
Can every Scout Section ensure that they SHARE all the OSM record of their Scouts who are 13 and above with the the Wrexham Pre-Explorers section.
To do this, select the Scouts aged 13 and above, click on ‘Share with other section’ then under ‘Or search all sections’ select ‘Waiting List’ under Age Range, and then ‘Wrexham Pre-Explorers’ and then ‘Share xxx Members’
The information shared will be accessed by the District Commissioner, the District Explorer Scout Commissioner and one Leader from each Explorer Scout Unit. They will contact the young person’s parents via their OSM record to invite them along to their Units, and we will be working on sending out a birthday card on their 14th birthday.
Can we please ask for everyone’s support on this. It’s in nobody’s interest – especially the young person – to prevent them being aware of the options open to them.