To: all Members
Sent: 18:50 Friday 12th March
Hi Moz
Welcome to your round-up of news from Wrexham Scouts
District Events. The District Team met on Wednesday and I think we’ve got some decent ideas for events coming up for you all…
– Anne Marie’s Social Zoom: don’t forget this on Saturday at 7pm, a chance to catch up, have a chat and there’ll be a fun quiz for those who want to get involved with that. Zoom meeting ID is 42 4749 1261, Passcode 157882
– Online Scout Manager training: for those who are just starting out or those who want to grow their existing knowledge. Wednesday 31st March at 7pm, Zoom meeting ID is 890 9913 4012, Passcode 794bfe155c
– District Development Day: at the All Leaders’ Meetings we asked you what your priorities for District were. It turned out this blank sheet of paper didn’t inspire you much, so we want to take a more structured approach to this. It won’t be for everyone, but if you’re interested in what District does to support Scouting in Wrexham and how we can make it better, keep an eye out for this event coming very soon. It’ll be open to all volunteers, Explorers and parents.
– Family Treasure Hunt: Now that we are able to travel locally, we’ll be putting together a family car treasure hunt for Sections to enter. The idea is families will travel separately in cars around a course in their own time, following cryptic clues. They will score points for their Section and we’ll have a running league table for that, and we’ll have an overall winner too. Just something that we can all get involved in, without breaking any rules. More details soon!
– Promise Hour: We’ll try this again this April, probably via a massive Zoom Promise renewal. I know this isn’t much, but there’s little else we can do – unless anyone has a better idea!
– Stay Home Summer Camp: Following the popularity of the Stay Home Sleepover last year, and with Sections unable to put on residential activities at the moment, we thought we’d do a week long camp at home event in the summer with an activity each evening. More details soon!
Hopefully this will go alongside your own programmes and bring us all together a bit!
Funding Help. Vicky Bolton from AVOW has been in touch with an offer to chat through various grant and funding options that are available. I’ll be in touch with Group Treasurers about this soon but could anyone else who’d be interested in this let me know.
COVID Readiness Level. Fingers crossed we’ll be moving into Amber very soon – please ensure you have your risk assessments in place and are ready to go. If you need any help or advice please let me know. Until you hear otherwise however, please remember we are in Red and NO FACE TO FACE Scouting activities of any kind are allowed.
Thanks for all you do. Stay safe.
District Commissioner
Scouts Wrexham