In case you’ve missed it, 11 of our Explorer Scouts and 4 Leaders have just arrived in the USA for the 24th World Scout Jamboree. They’ll be joining 45,000 other Scouts from almost every country on Earth for 12 days of adventure & fun, making friends and changing the world.
The Fluffy Dragons at Heathrow about to leave Members of the IST Picking up kit in New York
If you’re inspired don’t forget YOU could be part of this. In 4 years time the Jamboree will happen again, this time in South Korea. Any adult member of Scouting can apply to be a leader at this Jamboree (taking a unit of 36 Explorer Scouts with 3 other leaders) or a member of the International Service Team. Both these positions involve a selection process, but it’s worth applying if you want to go. And of course we’ll also be opening applications for participants, so anyone who will be aged between 14 and 18 on the 1st August 2023 can apply!
If you’d like more info contact us, but in the meantime you can follow the Fluffy Dragons (the North Wales Unit our Explorers are part of) via Twitter @FluffyDragonWSJ or Instagram @thefluffydragons