Census. We’ve just completed our annual census of membership and it’s looking like great news. Our youth membership in Wrexham is up 6.4% from 707 in 2018 to 752 this year, with an extra 3.4% adults. This is amazing stuff and testament to the hard work you all put in week in week out. Thank you! I’m also grateful to Sue Lister, Paul Forret and Jim Butcher who helped with the census collection this year.
Campsite directory. One of the things asked for at the Leaders’ meetings in January was a list of campsites for Sections to visit. So, I’ve set up a #campsites channel on Slack* for people to share details of campsites they’ve visited. Please add your recommendations and check the channel if you’re looking for somewhere new to go.
Booking system. We’ve got a new way of getting involved with District events. We’re now asking everyone to book via our website for all events. Beavers have already successfully used the system for their upcoming Techniquest trip, and Cubs will soon be booking for Chester Zoo. Here’s the procedure:
1. Book online via wrexhamscouts.org.uk/events
2. Check your inbox for the pending email (could be in junk/spam)
3. Print off the email
4. Raise a SINGLE GROUP CHEQUE to cover the total amount
5. Put the email print-out and the cheque in an envelope
6. Either post direct to Karen or in post box at the top of the stairs in HQ
7. Once we’ve received your payment (and only then) we’ll approve your booking and you’ll get a second email
8. Print this email out as your proof of booking and take to the event
Photo of the Month. We’ve listened to feedback about how to work our Photo of the Month competition, and despite the majority preferring using the #wrexhamscoutsphoto hashtag on photos on Facebook, we’re finding that searching for this doesn’t find every tagged photo, and this isn’t fair on those who’ve entered in this way – especially as there’s a cash prize at the end of the year. So, we’ll be using Slack from now on. Please post your entries in the #photo-of-the-month channel*.
*these links may not work if opening on a mobile device – just find the channel on Slack by tapping on CHANNELS after swiping right.