District website. Our website has been given a slight refresh which will hopefully make it simpler to use, and make events listings more visible. Please make it your New Year’s Resolution to bookmark the site and visit it more often to keep up to date.
Events booking. One new feature on the website is a bookings system for District events. We’re trialling this at the moment, so things may change, but please can everyone try to use it to book District events and let us know if you have any issues. While we won’t be taking online payments via the website at the moment, we do want to start using it to manage bookings so we can tie up cheques from Groups/Units with bookings. Hopefully it’ll make things easier for Leaders, event organisers and our District Treasurer.
All Leaders Meetings. We’ve had a fantastic response to our All Leaders Meetings taking place at District HQ on Monday and Wednesday next week. I’m not longer feeling as lonely! In fact if you’ve booked already you’ll have used the booking system mentioned above. Thanks to all those who’ve booked so far – if you haven’t yet please do so as soon as you can and take the opportunity to find out some important info and have your say.
GDPR. Thanks to all those who’ve completed their GDPR training and sent your certificates in. If you haven’t yet please can we ask that you follow this linkand complete the simple elearning module, then email your certificate to training@wrexhamscouts.org.uk so we can update your records. The deadline for completion for all Leaders in the UK was 31st December 2018.