On Sunday 13th November people up and down the UK, and across the globe, will stop what they are doing as a mark of respect to those who have fallen, or been injured, in the service of their country.
Scouts have always played a huge part in these acts of Remembrance and so I very much hope that as many of us as possible will take part again this year.
Many of you will have your own arrangements in your local villages and Group Scout Leaders for those will have details. For those who wish to attend the Remembrance Day parade and service in Wrexham Town Centre, these are the details:
MEET: in Lambpit Street at 1015 on Sunday 13th November
WEAR: full uniform with a poppy – suggest Scouts are asked to wear lots of layers underneath uniform if the forecast is for cold weather. If we could do without coats it looks more smart
PICK UP: again in Lambpit Street at around 1130
A District wreath will be laid during the ceremony by Scouts who are chosen on the day by me on the basis of how smartly they are turned out. If other Groups attending wish to lay their own wreath, please let me know.
ACTION: Please can all Groups attending the Wrexham event pass on this message to parents & young people. It would be great to have a massive turnout this year. Those attending other events, please tell us about them and share photos.
Any questions please let me know.
District Commissioner