We’re encouraging all Sections in Wrexham District to use Online Scout Manager to make admin easy. And we’re paying for Gold membership for everyone!
On this page are some of the training videos from OSM, details on how to sign up and we’ll cover any data concerns people may have.
If you’re totally new to OSM, have a look at the video below – it’s quite long but covers lots and will get you started.
Here are some other useful OSM videos…
Free OSM Gold
To apply to District discount codes which will allow your Section FREE access to Gold level OSM, login to Online Scout Manager and go to ‘Settings’ – ‘Upgrades’ – ‘Discount Codes’ (this will only appear if you have “Administration” access), and put in our discount code (contact us if you have not received this).
Neither we nor OSM will be able to refund you if you do not put the code in before any renewals are taken, so please put the code in as soon as possible, even if you have recently renewed.
If you have not created an account on OSM, please register here.
If you want to use more than Gold, please follow these instructions, but then you can buy the additional parts in the usual way (‘Settings’ – ‘Upgrades’).
You should not use the ‘Purchase Upgrades’ page to subscribe to anything that we are not paying for as you will then need to pay for OSM yourself.
Please apply the code even if you’ve already paid
This will allow your figures to show on our District dashboard and help us to support you better, such as allowing us to better direct Membership Enquiries to Sections which have room, and planning District events to support your programme.
Data concerns
Please be reassured that we don’t get any access to personal data by you using our Discount Code. We just see high level information of aggregated, non-personal data, including:
- Section sizes, including waiting lists and desired section sizes (capacity) – useful to help section/group/district growth plans
- Graphs showing the proportion of kids who have completed each badge – useful to help identify badges that aren’t being done so you can provide district events to cover some requirements