Please reply to the text you’ve just had with options from the lists below.
For example if you are Black Caribbean and Muslim, reply with 5E.
Or if it’s easier, you can fill in this quick form –
Thanks for your time.
1. English/Welsh/Scottish/
Northern Irish/British
2. Irish
3. Gypsy or Irish Traveller
4. Any other White background
5. White and Black Caribbean
6. White and Black African
7. White and Asian
8. Any other mixed or Multiple ethic group
9. Indian
10. Pakistani
11. Bangladeshi
12. Chinese
13. Any other Asian Background
14. African
15. Caribbean
16. Any other Black/African/Caribbean background
17. Arab
18. Other
19. Prefer not to say
A. Buddhist
B. Christian (including all Christian denominations)
C. Hindu
D. Jewish
E. Muslim
F. Sikh
G. Any other religion
H. No religion
I. Prefer not to say