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Helping with the Cost of Living

The Wrexham District Scouts Executive Committee is very aware of the challenges which will be faced through the continued rise in living and energy costs.  You will hopefully all have seen and noted the support available from Scouts UK.  If you haven’t looked and considered what is available, please do take a look as their first funding round closes on 23rd November.

To help locally we have agreed the following:

  • We are pleased to be able to give further details of our own Wrexham Quiet Fund and have attached a brief overview.  We are very grateful to the support of Peter Fox in establishing this.  Funds in this are limited at present but please do start to draw on this where appropriate and we will do our best to help.
  • We will be providing 2 “camping packs” to each group.  These will include a rucksack, sleeping bag, roll mat, torch, spork, plate, bowl and mug.  Our intention here is to give groups flexibility to provide kit as needed.  We hope to have this with you by early December.
  • We will also be making available a sum of up to £100 to each group to provide snacks at meetings in the run-up to Christmas. Our preference is for you to provide healthy snacks however leave this with you – you know your own young people. Unfortunately, accounting rules require us to refund this based on receipts therefore we suggest that each group makes one claim in early December and one in January to avoid being out of pocket.  Claims should be sent to Karen Cheesbrough, District Treasurer.  We will of course need details of your group bank account for the refund (Karen’s email is cheesbrough@yahoo.com)
  • A Facebook group will be set up for parents to post spare uniform/relevant kit for swops or sale.

We will continue to explore ways we can support local groups at our next Exec meeting.  If you have any suggestions please do get in touch.

Support available from Scouts UK
Wrexham Quiet Fund
Uniform Swap Facebook group