Sharing Young Leaders

Any young person aged 14-18 helping at Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts must be shared with the Wrexham Young Leaders Unit on Online Scout Manager in order for them to be registered as a Young Leader.

If they are not, then they will not be a Member and will not be insured.

The only exception is those who are working on the Volunteering section of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

This is how to share them:

  1. If they’re not already on your Section’s OSM, add them – but first check they aren’t already on OSM for example with an Explorer Scout Unit or a previous Scout Troop
  2. Go to their record and click on ‘Share with another Section
  3. Next to ‘Or any section in the country‘ click on ‘Age Range‘ and select ‘Explorers (and Network)
  4. Underneath on ‘Group‘ TYPE “Wrexham” and you will see ‘Wrexham District: Wrexham Young Leaders‘ auto complete.
  5. Select that.
  6. Click the ‘Share one member‘ box at the bottom

Once you’ve shared them you will have to wait for our Young Leaders team to accept the incoming member.

It may be useful to email to alert them to this.

Once this has been done successfully you’ll see the following appear on the young person’s record to show that they are a registered Young Leader.