We’ve agreed certain procedures regarding the management of Member records on Online Scout Manager, particularly relating to Explorer Scouts including Young Leaders.
Explorer Scouts (including Young Leaders)
Explorer Scouts who are Young Leaders will always be part of at least two Sections, and usually three: the Section they volunteer with, the Young Leaders Unit and possibly another Explorer Scout Unit, such as Atlas, Bryn-y-Pys or K2.
We need to ensure that each young person only has just one record on OSM which is shared between all the Sections they are members of, rather than a separate record in each.
So it shouldn’t look like this, with separate records for each Section…
(BCS is Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, ESU is one of our programme Explorer Scout Units – Atlas, Bryn-y-Pys or K2, and YLU is the Young Leader Unit)
It should look like this with one single record shared between the Beaver/Cub/Scout Section where they volunteer, the Young Leaders Unit, and their Explorer Scout Unit if they are a Member there too….
You can see on your OSM whether a Member is shared with another Section…
Scouts moving up to Explorers
We would like Scout Leaders to share the OSM record of any Scout aged 12½-13 with the ‘Wrexham Pre-Explorers’ Section on OSM under the waiting list age range:
We will then send that Scout a birthday card explaining the options open to them.
When they choose an Explorer Scout Unit and/or to become a Young Leader we will then transfer their record to the relevant Section on OSM.
The Scout Leader should remove them from their Section when they’ve moved up.
Joining & Waiting Lists
We have also agreed procedures surrounding the new joining form on this website, which we encouraging those who want to join Scouting in Wrexham to use. Once a potential Member fills in the form the following happens…
- Lesley, our Membership Enquiries Manager, gets an email notifying her of the Membership Enquiry
- The information on the form is automatically added to the District OSM Waiting List Section
- Lesley contacts the Section where they want to join to see if there is room
- If there is room she transfers the OSM record from the Waiting List to their Section OSM and the Section Leader will get in touch with them
- If there is not room she will find another suitable Section and transfer the record to that or leave them on the waiting list until there is room or 6 months passes
Any Membership Enquiry via the UK Scouts website, or a direct email enquiry, will be pointed to the District website for the enquirer to fill in the form there so that they use the same process and get added to OSM.
Of course while we are happy for Sections and Groups to manage their own Membership Enquiries, such as parents asking for a friend, please be conscious that if you’ve told Lesley that you have no room for someone on the District waiting list then accept someone else, it’d look very bad.
Any enquiry for Explorer Scouts will be transferred to the Pre-Explorers section on OSM.
Hopefully if we all follow these procedures, everything should work well.
If any of this is unclear, or you don’t know who to contact, please let us know.