What we wear when we Scout. Have your say via the online questionnaire to help understand what members currently wear and explore other options of what could be worn. Volunteers, young people and their parents or carers are encouraged to have their say, and views on variations to suit the needs of Sea Scouts, Air Scouts, faiths and nations are encouraged. The online questionnaire, run by PopulusLive, will close on 7 July 2019. Young people will require the permission of their parents to take part in the survey. The Scouts is committed to remaining a uniformed movement. If changes are proposed, they’ll include a substantial period of transition. No decision has been made at this stage, and there are no immediate changes to uniform.


Annual Review & AGM. You are all invited to the Annual General Meeting of Wrexham District Scouts, and our Annual Review, at Maesgwyn Hall on Wednesday 3rd July at 6.30pm. Please can Section Leaders invite all young people who’ve attained Top Awards since the last AGM and their parents so we can celebrate their achievements. You should have heard from Sue Lister and we’ve published the list on Slack. We’re also short of people to stand for the District Exec. It meets just 4 times a year and oversees important things like the District finances, the running of HQ and supporting Group Execs. If you would like to join Ali and her team, please let us know.

Calendar Plan. We’ve had hardly any bookings for our Calendar Planning evenings. These are important opportunities for us to consult with all Leaders to find out what they want us to put in the District Programme next year. Please book your place on either the Tuesday 9th July or Wednesday 10th Julysessions and grab your free burger!

Communications Cafés. We’re running a series of Comms Cafés to support those who need a hand with various methods of communications that we are and will be using in the future. If there are people in your Section who you know don’t read their emails – either because they don’t know how, or because they just don’t use email – please pass on this message

Comms Café 1 – Monday 1st July/Wednesday 4th September – for those who don’t read their emails because they don’t know how or because their inboxes are so full they just ‘don’t do email’! We’ll also cover how to find out things via our website.

Comms Café 2 – Monday 15th July/Wednesday 18th September – covering changing your email address on Compass, filling in a Nights Away form on our website, and using Slack.

Comms Café 3 – Wednesday 17th July/Monday 16th September – for those who don’t know how to use Trello

Comms Café 4 – Wednesday 24th July/Monday 23rd September – covering sending emails out to lots of people using Compass and adding evens and info onto our website (mainly for GSLs and District roles).